OID: E10280528


Course Content:

 When we talk about the use of technology in education, we must move one step further to learn the future Technologies that are called AR and VR.

Augmented Reality embellishes the existing reality with the elements of imagery, sound effects, or text. Virtual Reality, on the other hand, creates a new, simulated environment that presents the given topic to students in an engaging, interactive and experiential manner.

The real purpose of AR/VR in education is to promote student engagement and nurture better understanding. By making learning immersive and experiential through VR headsets, teachers can explain complex concepts to students in a controlled environment. 

Some of the fields where AR/VR are being used are:

Sciences: Educational institutions are harnessing the visual and sensory power of VR to teach students subjects such as human and animal anatomy, molecular biology, chemistry and atomic physics. Astronaut and pilot training makes extensive use of the extended reality technology. 

Humanities: Virtual tours to historical monuments and archaeological sites in far off places are enriching the learning experience of history, archaeology and political science students. Furthermore, students of arts get first-hand experiences of the world’s top museums and the artworks housed therein through VR.

Business Studies: Different business and economic models can be better explained to students through the use of AR/VR. In business education, the real buying-selling, the in-store experiences, production line, supply chain etc. could be made visibly understandable and experiential with the use of AR/VR. The technology comes in very handy in making students corporate-ready.

Architecture & Engineering: The most widespread use of AR/VR is witnessed in the fields of architecture and engineering. Using VR technology, the designers are able to not just better implement their vision by creating to-scale 3-D models, they are pushing the boundaries of physics and mechanics by creating the most imaginative and innovative designs.

Communication Skills: Across the disciplines, VR tech is being used by students to enhance their communication skills, particularly public speaking abilities. There are VR e-learning virtual speech courses that allow students to choose the size of the crowd being addressed and then practise public speaking and presentation skills.

Advantages of AR/VR in Education

The biggest benefit of AR/VR in education is the learning outcome of students. 

  • AR/VR makes learning immersive and experiential
  • It leads to enhanced memory retention among students
  • It is particularly of great aid to students with learning difficulties
  • It dissects and simplifies complex topics and concepts for better understanding
  • It promotes self-learning and self-sufficiency among students
  • It is a great training tool and instils confidence in learners
  • It makes remote learning engaging and interesting


  • Learn how to use ICT tools to make education more engaging, motivating and innovative;
  • To create appreciation of technology in everyday life.
  • To help learners to have an open and flexible mind in their use of AR/VR.
  • To equip participants with the appropriate skills required to cooperate with fellow ICT learners for a more productive learning experience.
  • To facilitate different methods of learning.
  • To present the best apps, web platforms and AR&VR for teachers and education staff;
  • To think critically and creatively, solve simulated real-world problems.
  • To adopt a global perspective towards issues and ideas.
  • To learn techniques for online assessing
  • To exchange best practices and share experiences