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During the week I might drink 1-2 drinks, but in social situations lasting more than an hour it is hard to be less than three even alternating with water. Any drinking may be risky and could affect your health if any of the following are true.If you are under the care of a doctor for a health problem (e.g., hypertension) or if you have a history of health problems. If so, consider talking to your doctor about your interest in cutting back on your drinking. If you’ve had significant alcohol-related problems and are currently not drinking, trying moderate drinking may put you at risk again for alcohol-related problems.

  • Most people who seek out moderation management have already tried and been unsuccessful at stopping drinking or cutting down on their use.
  • Whatever you’re determined to tackle, setting goals can help us reflect on past behaviors, and be intentional about what we want to change.
  • The Guidelines also note that not drinking alcohol also is the safest option for women who are lactating.
  • Perhaps you want to limit yourself to drinking only when you’re with other people.
  • While there may be some minor heart health benefits, alcohol is addictive and causes damage to many other organs, so the trade-off is not in our favour.

It’s common to feel anxious or irritable when you first give up alcohol. One of the most common side effects of giving up alcohol is insomnia. Here are some of the most common effects of giving up alcohol. While giving up alcohol can be a challenge, it’s important to remember that the benefits are well worth it.

You can also skip the CheckUp and go straight to our Choices programs that empower you to cut back or quit.

Write down a list of reasons to cut back on drinking. If you’ve decided you’d like to start drinking less, it can be really helpful to put your intentions down on paper.

Can You Moderate Your Drinking

The founders of AA suggest that attempts at moderation provide the best litmus test for alcoholism. In their view, drinkers that are able to cut back without abstaining are not alcoholics because they haven’t become powerless over alcohol. If you’re currently drinking more than the guidelines of moderation, you will reduce your risk for problems by cutting back. So while the average 12 oz beer sold in the U.S. is 5%, it pays to know the alcohol content of what you’re drinking. This is especially true for craft beers that have become popular of late. (Probably because they taste better but that’s our own opinion.) And remember, a pint of beer is 16 oz so that’s already a 1.25 standard drinks at 5% beer. This first post covered definitions of moderate drinking based on solid empirical research over the years.

Cautions About Changing Drinking Habits

Regardless of what we say as treaters many people will cross over on their own. Many people start off with the goal of quitting, then they move towards control drinking, and many people who are starting off in moderation management will shift towards the decision to abstain. It’s common that people move between these poles along the course of their lives. It is not really about what the treater says they have to do, it is more about helping people along their path. Mariani says there are lots of heavy drinkers who are resistant to help or the idea of abstinence, but are open to the idea of cutting back. And the tricky part of the moderation path is that there’s no way to know which heavy drinkers can learn to control their drinking rather than having to give it up completely. Since Donna first tried moderation, the concept of helping people try to moderate their drinking has gained traction.

Can You Moderate Your Drinking

There are some very real benefits to your body when you quit drinking altogether, if you’d rather do that. Abstinence is not the only solution for recovering from alcohol use disorders, but it is one of the most studied and successful methods for recovering from alcohol use disorders. However, if you’re concerned about your drinking behavior, but you don’t want Can You Moderate Your Drinking to go to a 12 step program and be forced to abstain, a good first step would be a Moderation Management style program. Several studies have been done in an attempt to answer the question, what is moderate drinking? Well, in the scientific community, what is considered moderate drinking translates to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

Problem Drinking In Midlife Linked To Memory Trouble Later

The man who drinks 3 to 4 drinks per night might commit to the principle of abstaining from alcohol during the week. The woman who binges one night each week might commit to drinking no more than 3 drinks on any occasion. Many alcoholics will try controlled drinking, something that normal drinkers don’t need to try to do.

On the other hand, if you’re a light to moderate drinker and you’re healthy, you can probably continue to drink alcohol as long as you do so responsibly. All these can be explored in a typical alcohol abuse treatment center. There are professionals ready to help in cutting back alcohol intake or quitting for good through therapy and safe drinking tips. There are books on alcoholism with general guidelines that can help people looking for ways on how to moderate drinking. However, these guidelines are not a reliable guarantee of safety for everyone at every time.